Boot people offline on PS4 is quite simple and can prove to be a lot of fun for some Gamers. Here at PS4 Booter we will demonstrate how to perform such attacks, whats required and which platforms we recommend serves us best.
Using a few windows tools we can pull and grab IP addresses from PSN players and gamer hosting servers. By sending an attack to their IP, we can successfully boot them offline and win automatically.
Let’s see what we will need to accomplish our goal.
How to Boot people offline on PS4
1.Grab and pull PSN IP addresses
Get an IP Puller here or use our recommended IP Puller for PS4.
Demo – Lanc Remastered – PS4 IP Puller
2. Sign up for Booter Service
Sign up at one our recommended booters here and watch the video on the next step.
3. Boot people offline
Send your layer 4 attack and pwn your target.
Demo- How to Boot people offline
4. Get yourself Protection
Block PS4 booting attacks by connecting to a VPN.